Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions

General Terms Free2Fly
Disclaimer & Privacy Statement

The content of the website www.free2fly.nl has been compiled with the utmost care. Experience has shown, however, that despite the exercise of care it is possible that the information on this website is out of date or contains inaccuracies. Free2Fly Vacation Marketing Concepts is in no way liable for any damage that is the direct or indirect result of or in connection with the use of the information available on this website. This disclaimer does not intend to exclude liability in cases where the exclusion of liability is not permitted under the applicable Dutch law. The comprehensive information is brought to you subject to interim changes. We accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of incorrect or changed information, not even of parties with whom we cooperate.

Free2Fly Vacation Marketing Concepts is very careful with the privacy of its visitors. The way in which we pursue this is described in the information below. Free2Fly Vacation Marketing Concepts is convinced that the protection of the privacy of its visitors to the website www.free2fly.nl is essential for its activities. Personal data of visitors are treated with the utmost care. Free2Fly Vacation Marketing Concepts always adheres to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act

Technical details
The technical details of your visit to our site (domain analysis) can be registered by us. We then use this data for statistical purposes and to optimize the layout of the website. This data can also be used to put more specific information on the site. In this way, Free2Fly Vacation Marketing Concepts can further optimize its services to you

Our site sometimes contains links to other websites and we are not responsible for the way in which these sites handle sensitive information. Free2Fly Vacation Marketing Concepts reserves the right to make changes to the privacy statement. Read this disclaimer regularly.
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